Penguin Encounter

Our next stop takes us to Penguin Encounters. At this exhibit we are able to observe the larger emperor and king penguins as well as the smaller Adelie, gentoo, chinstrap, rockhopper, and macaroni penguins in their chilly habitat.

Today we are going to focus on the popular emperor penguin. Emperor penguins live on and in the freezing Antarctic ice and waters. They have special features and behaviors that help keep them warm in the icy climate. These flightless birds huddle in groups called colonies to keep warm while each penguin takes turns in the middle of the group where they will be shielded from the chilly winds. Female penguins "lay a single egg" that the male penguins balance on their webbed-feet and keep warm and protected with their brood pouch while the female penguins go on a two month hunting trip. On their search for food, female penguins dive deep into the icy waters were they are able to "stay under for more than 20 minutes". They feed on fish, squid, and krill and upon returning home, the female penguins regurgitate their food to feed their newborn chicks. The male penguins will then begin their search for food after their two month sacrifice of protecting the unhatched chick and not eating.