Shark Encounter

Shark Encounter is the next stop on our journey. Here, we will be able to walk through a large acrylic tube in which a habitat of sand tiger, bonnethead, blacktip, and whitetip sharks are enclosed. Don't be scared, although these big fish appear frightening, they are more timid than you may think.

Today we are going to explore the sand tiger shark. Sand tiger sharks reside in temperate or warm ocean waters around the world excluding the eastern Pacific. They prefer to swim along the shorelines and near the bottom of the ocean. Now can you see where they get their name? Sand tiger sharks are the only identified shark to swim to the ocean's surface to swallow air. These sharks have the ability store air in their stomachs which allows them to hunt their prey. Sand tiger sharks feed on small fish, crustaceans, and squid. They usually hunt their food at night sometimes in groups called schools or shoals.